This is another building that EllisCo worked on at the University of Canterbury. WindowMaster Smart PLUS controllers with BACNET Ethernet IP have been installed across a number of buildings to provide seamless integration with the University BMS and also provide a quiet and healthy environment for students across more than 5 different buildings on campus.
WindowMaster main benefits: Motorlink actuators and controllers connected to the BMS via Bacnet Ethernet IP. Giving the BMS precise control and feedback on the position and status of the actuators. When controlled via the BMS actuators run in auto mode at very slow speeds meaning they operate almost noiselessly so do not disturb students. Actuators incorporate entrapment protection to protect people from actuators mounted at low levels. Actuators with programmable parameters (speed, force and stroke). Strokes where set at the correct opening vs height each sash to allow for maximum air flow.
WindowMaster specialise in providing controls and actuators for naturally ventilating buildings.
Products used
WindowMaster WMX 826-1 0500 Chain drives with Motorlink technology

WindowMaster WCC 320 PLUS Natural ventilation control panels